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Hi Everyone!

Two things:

1) If you are someone interested in receiving support in the aftermath of an affair and having trouble registering on this site, please feel free to email me HERE.  I have had to turn off auto-registrations due to the overwhelming number of spammers creating fake accounts.

2) The new forum (since closed) has been up and running for around 9 months now. I am wondering if it makes sense to keep it going when the renewals come up. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to put into marketing the forum so it ranks well in searches when people are looking for help/resources. As more of our old forum members move past needing the same level of support/interaction, they are rarely posting. And since we aren't attracting new people, the site is stagnant. At this point the only people I think I am helping are spammers looking for a place to register fake accounts.

I REALLY want to use my experiences to help others who find themselves on this painful path, but I fear that my lack of time to blog and market the site is dooming it to not be the resource I had hoped it to be. Feel free to post your thoughts about whether I should try to keep it up for another year or reach out to me via direct message.


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Good Behavior Policy

We have created a community to help support those who are experiencing the aftermath of an affair. We encourage all those affected - the Betrayed Spouse (BS), the Wayward Spouse (WS), and the Other Person (OP) to interact in the community here. It is our belief that these interactions, when conducted with honesty tempered with compassion can be illuminating and healing for all. However, in any situation where emotions run this high, policies of acceptable behavior need to be outlined. Find them here.

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Good Behavior Policy
